Contact Information

Reach Out Now!

The contact information of Smith’s Hotel is readily available to ensure that you can easily reach out to the hotel with any inquiries, reservations, or feedback. Whether you prefer to give Smith’s Hotel a call, send an email, or visit the website, the friendly staff is here to provide prompt and helpful assistance. Smith’s Hotel understands the importance of staying connected with their valued customers and is committed to providing exceptional service at every touchpoint. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Smith’s Hotel with any questions or to make arrangements for your next dining experience. Smith’s Hotel looks forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to the hotel.


Address: 1030 Lancaster Ave, Columbia, PA 17512, United States
Phone number: +1 717 684 3385
Email: [email protected]

Need assistance? Contact the support team!

Smith’s Hotel understands that occasionally you may need support or have questions that require a direct response. That is why Smith’s Hotel has a dedicated support team ready to assist you. Whether it’s feedback or assistance with reservations or special requests, if you have any inquiries, the support team will promptly review your submission and provide you with the assistance you need. The hotel values your time and strive to ensure that every inquiry is addressed efficiently and effectively. Rest assured that your information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Contact the support team now and let’s help you make your dining experience at Smith’s Hotel even more exceptional.

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